Thursday, December 13, 2012

New Insights on Bed Bugs

The University of Florida has conducted a recent survey that sheds light on new facts of bed bugs. Learn more about bed bugs through Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.:

Bed Bugs More Dangerous than Thought

Calling for a bed bug infestation can stop the pest before it reproduces large populations in your home. Call Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. today for more details, 772-334-7007.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cannibalistic Rodent Control Video

Rodent Control in Florida

Rodent control can sometimes be achieved by the very thing you are trying to eliminate. Watch this rodent cannibalism video to see how disgusting these creatures are (WARNING: This video is a graphic depiction of animals in nature eating one another-- Viewer Discretion IS Advised.). One of the worst infestations one can have is from rodents. Rats and mice are both classified as rodents. These pests pose serious health risks to humans and pets living near or in an infested home, and rodent control must be implemented if you have them in your home. 

Rats and Mice Transmit Disease

Rats and mice are prone to carry harmful diseases that can be transmitted to humans through being bitten, eating contaminated foods, or directly coming into contact with the disease. It is a fact that rodents are not the cleanest animals around. One of the most bizarre behaviors of rodents is their eating habits as omnivores; these rodents literally will eat whatever is available including other Rats or Mice! Sometimes the cause to eating other live rats or mice is due to the smell of the prey’s breath. Their last meal may be very appetizing to the hungry rat and may just eat his well fed friend. One unique thing about rats is that they cannot vomit. Therefore they must become aware of poisonous foods they cannot eat; rats are neophobic not temped to try new foods. The amount of disease and bacteria these rats and mice contain is enormous. Some of the common diseases transmitted to humans include:
Rat-Bite Fever
Lassa Fever
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome

rodent control

Homeowners and business owners should immediately take action against any rat or mice fund indoors. Rodent control, and preventing the rodents from entering your home is vital during the winter months in Florida especially. Regardless if we get snow, Florida’s cold weather drives the rodents that are used to warm weather into a home or business to seek shelter. A mouse can fit through a hole the size of a dime! Any small opening, crack, or hole on the exterior of a home must be closed or sealed to prevent rodent infestations.
Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. has an effective rodent control program available to Port St. Lucie, Stuart, Jupiter, Vero Beach, Florida and surrounding area residents. Call today to have a rodent exterminator inspect your home or business today to identify any possible entrances the rodents can use. Current rodent infestations can easily be eliminated by Reynolds Pest Management, Inc rodent control special techniques, quality products, and the right equipment.

Stay Cautious for Bed Bugs Where Ever you May Go

Recent studies performed by entomologists and the research teams at the University of Florida have confirmed a new hiding location for bed bugs. The bindings of hard cover books can now serve the purpose as a bed bug breeding ground, hiding location, and transportation to a new home.

Not only does society have to worry about traveling on bed bug infested airplanes and staying in hotels with bed bugs we now must be concerned when we visit the library! Bed bugs find their way into these hard cover books while the book is checked out to an individual who has bed bugs in their home or back pack. Keep in mind these tiny and microscopic eggs can find their way onto your clothing, bags, and other belongings very easily. Taking home a free bed bug infested book or perhaps a book with live bed bugs eggs can potentially cost someone a fortune in bed bug eradication services.

Always search for any signs of bed bugs when bringing home objects that have a chance of carrying bed bugs, like books.

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. has a team of bed bug exterminators capable of identifying a bed bug infestations and successfully eliminating from a home. Call today for assistance in bed bug outbreaks or information, 772-337-2131.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Regional Florida Pest Management Association Meeting Notes

Region 13 hosted their monthly meeting with Bruce Ryser of FMC as the guest Speaker. You may find the highlights and details of the meeting through the Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. website blog.

For information pertaining to upcoming FPMA Events, please contact the director of Region 13 Chris Reynolds, 772-334-7007.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Banana Spiders Infest Port Saint Lucie Homes

Large Colorful Spiders known as either Banana Spiders or the Golden Silk Spider are popular pests of St. Lucie County and surrounding areas. Follow this link to read more details on this enormous spider:

Banana Spiders and their Behavior

If your encounter infestations of Banana Spiders, call Reynolds Pest Management , Inc. to help eliminate them from your home, 772-337-2131.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Florida Pest Management Association- Region 13 Highlights of October

Region 13 of the FPMA held their monthly meeting on October 11th. The highlights of the meeting are found here:

Faye Barron of DACs provides Region 13 members with CORE CEUs

To obtain more information on attending the scheduled meetings and CEU requirements contact Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. 772-337-2131.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Rugose Spiraling Whiteflies in Port Saint Lucie, Florida and Surrounding Areas

Residents in Port Saint Lucie, Florida and surrounding areas are becoming aware of the spiraling markings underneath leaves of many plants and trees. These white spiraling markings are left behind from female Rugose Spiraling Whiteflies. If you are noticing these markings and other white substance underneath your plants leaves, you’re dealing with a Rugose Spiraling Whitefly Infestation. This is not an easy pest and is unfortunately very common in Florida.

There are many species of the whitefly; however the Rugose Spiraling Whitefly has recently been introduced to Florida in 2009. This species of whiteflies is one of the largest in size and easily noticed. Florida is home to all the trees and plants the Rugose Spiraling Whitefly uses as hosts. Here are some of the trees they infest in South Florida:
  • Gumbo Limbo
  • Palm Trees
  • Banana Trees
  • Coconut Palms
  • Mango Trees
  • Black Olive Tree
  • Cocoplum
  • Cooperleaf

The Rugose Spiraling Whitefly is a slow moving and very passive species of the whiteflies. Earlier this year they were only a serious problem in South Florida, today St. Lucie County is dealing with severe infestations. They do not spread rapidly as pest management companies have explained. Due to the fact that the Rugose Spiraling Whitefly has only been found in Florida for less than 4 years, much of the research about their behaviors and biology are being studied by researchers.

Identify a Rugose Spiraling Whitefly Infestation

Anyone can identify a Rugose Spiraling Whitefly infestation. They leave behind distinctive markings. The markings that identify this species are the spiraling pattern underneath leaves. This patter is left behind by only females and it is really her eggs she is strategically placing. The female spiraling whitefly will coat her eggs in a natural sticky white substance that she produces. This substance serves as protection and securely adheres the eggs to the leave. Eventually the leaf may appear pale and white. White covered leaves are also a sure sign of a whitefly infestation. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Organic Pest Control Services in Port Saint Lucie, Florida

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc provides effective pest treatments with organic products made with all-natural botanical oils. Read about the importance of organic pest control treatments here:

Becoming Green with Organic Pest Control Services

Call today for a Free estimate for Organic Pest Control Exterminations by Reynolds Pest Management, Inc, 772-334-7007.

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.

Location for Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.
1572 SE South Niemeyer Circle, Port St. Lucie, FL,
Phone: 772-334-7007

Florida Residents Should Avoid Stinging Insects

Learn why stinging insects have the capability to send up to a half million people to the E.R. each year here:

Stinging Insects of Port Saint Lucie, Florida 

Call Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. Today for Florida's best pest control protection against stinging insects such as Fire Ants, 772-334-7007.

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.

Location for Reynolds Pest Management, Inc..
1572 SE South Niemeyer Circle, Port St. Lucie, FL,
Phone: 772-334-7007

Friday, August 17, 2012

FPMA Region 13- Highlights from August Meeting

Florida Pest Management Association's Region 13 was honored to have Bruce Ryser of FMC to speak at their last meeting. Follow this link to read the highlights of the meeting:

Highlights of August Meeting- FPMA Region 13

For information on attending the upcoming meeting contact Reynolds Pest Management, Inc, 772-334-7007.

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc..
1572 Southeast South Niemeyer Circle,
Port St. Lucie,
Phone: 772-334-7007

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Rugose Spiraling Whiteflies Infest South Florida Trees

The Rugose Spiraling Whitefly is known to target and infest many common trees in Florida including Palm Trees, Banana Trees, and Gumbo Limbo Trees.

Determine if your trees are being infested by Rugose Spiraling Whiteflies through Reynolds Pest Management, Inc's Blog:

Rugose Spiraling Whiteflies Identification and Control

Call Today for free estimates for a Rugose Spiraling Whitefly eradication, 772-334-7007.

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc..
1572 Southeast South Niemeyer Circle,
Port St. Lucie,
Phone: 772-334-7007

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Identifying Destructive Pests in Port Saint Lucie, Florida

Florida is home to many types of pests that cause serious damage to a home or structure. A typical home in Florida encounters general pests such as ants and cockroaches daily. Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. will discuss 3 of the most common pests to have inside your home that lead to damage.


Florida is one of the leading states in the United States for termite activity. These are also one of the most destructive pests to have infesting your home. These creatures devour the wood frame of your home leading to very costly damage and control methods.
The best way to prevent termite in Florida is to have an annual termite inspection performed only by a certified termite inspector.


Believe it or not, roaches do consume nearly everything including grease, sweets, wallpaper, wood, and leather. Besides from their health hazards they pose to humans, they can destroy areas of your home. To prevent serious damage from cockroaches, immediate treatment should take place. Eradicating the cockroaches and minimizing their population inside your home is beneficial to keeping the damage to a minimal.

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are many times wrongfully accused of eating wood. These pests do not cause damage to your home by eating the wood, but by tunneling through it. They do prefer damp and rotted wood to live in. If you’re noticing a large amount of these ants, it may be due to a rotted beam or wooded area of the home. Many times the home can be invaded by carpenter ants when the surrounding areas of the home have damp decaying woods. Be sure you keep objects including wood from the exterior of the home. Keeping up with the maintenance of your home can decrease the chance of having a carpenter ant.

Protection form Destructive Pests

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. offers Port Saint Lucie and surrounding area residents effective and affordable pest control services. Providing you a protection barrier around your home will prevent these pests from infesting your home and exterior perimeters. 

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.
1572 Southeast South Niemeyer Circle, Port St. Lucie, FL,
Phone: 772-334-7007

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Noticing more pests inside your home after a rain shower?

There is a relationship between rain and insects that enter your home during a period of rain showers. Understanding the anatomy of insects will give you an idea of the correlation. A lot has to do with the fact that insect do not have lungs!
This may be news to you but lungs are not found within an insect’s body. Small holes along their bodies that form through them are how the insect breathes.
Water is a hazard for insects. During rainfall, they are forced to seek shelter from the water to keep from drowning. Your home plays a safe haven for them. Other pests can be driven to your home just to keep out of the rain.
Florida experiences serious amounts of rainfall year long thus making pest infestations very common. If you are encountering pests inside your home or office during or after rain showers, contact ReynoldsPest Management, Inc. for protection against pest invasions at 772-334-7007.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Termite Inspections are an Important Maintenance Procedure for all Florida Homeowners

Very few insurance companies offer coverage for termite infestations or damage caused by termites in your home. These companies are becoming even stricter on other pest or rodent damages. Having an annual termite inspection is considered maintenance to your home. Insurance companies claim termite infestations are in fact a maintenance issue. According to them, if you would have properly eradicated the termites you would not have damage to your home.

Routine termite inspections are highly recommended by Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. especially to those living in Florida. Typically, homeowners will have the service performed once a year. Termite activity is much higher in Florida compared to other states. A termite inspection is the visual inspection of your home for signs of termite activity. Identifying the termites activity before the infestation causes costly damage will save the homeowners thousands of dollars not just on damage control but the treatment for advanced termite infestations. Leaving the termites untreated for long periods of time allows them to reproduce quickly increasing their populations inside your home leading to more damage and a more difficult task in eliminating them.

Not all pest control companies are equal. Some companies do not always hire the most qualified termite exterminators or inspectors. It is important to Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. to have experts on board and hire only the most qualified individuals to perform termite inspections.  

Prevent damage to your most valued asset by calling Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. to perform an extensive and affordable termite inspection today. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Top Pests Encountered by a Homeowner

Last year 84% of Americans had encountered some type of insect inside their home according to a national survey performed in the United States. This could mean an increase in demand for pest control services as the populations of pests are higher than usual. Per the survey performed, more than half of homeowners believe that pest control is essential when performed by a pest professional.

The following are the results and percentages from a survey conducted by a residential pest control company and 1,300 homeowner participants. The results listed below are the top pests encountered in a home and their percentages represent the number of participants.

·          Ants 49%
·          Spiders 43%
·          Flies 37%
·          Mosquitoes 34%
·          Mice 30%
·          Wasps 29%

Out of all the homeowners that participated in the survey, only 80% seemed to be concerned about pests entering their homes. The biggest concern for all the homeowners, according to the survey, were termites due to their costly damaging habits. Amazingly, 95% of the participants did agree that if a homeowner is looking for an effective and guaranteed service that they should hire a certified pest control company.

It is evident that the warmer temperatures this past winter triggered an increase in populations of all pests this summer. With more pests around, the higher the chance of a pest infestation near by your home or inside it. The best way to prevent any of these top pests from entering your home is to have a routine pest service to monitor any pest activity and to apply products to deter them from heading in your home’s direction. 

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc is a certified pest control company that holds over 21 years of expertise in controlling the most common pests encountered in Florida. Call today to schedule your effective and guaranteed pest control treatment today, 772-334-7007.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc Reveals Common Insect Myths

Many insect myths exist around the world causing people to debate whether they are fictional or true. Below Reynolds Pest Management, Inc reveals the truth about these myths:

  • Myth: Chiggers burrow underneath skin of humans and feed off our blood.
  • False: Chigger larvae produce an enzyme that eats through our skin cells creating a tube like tunnel or straw for sucking fluids up. While the chiggers are sucking up the fluids they continue to release an enzyme to create a deeper tunnel.

  • Myth: Daddy Long Leg Spiders are venomous but their fangs are too tiny to bite a human.
  • False: They are not poisonous and in fact lack venom glands.

  • Myth: Cheese is the best choice for rodent control.
  • False: Rodents favor seeds, fruits, peanut butter, and even bacon over cheese.

  • Myth: Bumblebees cannot fly.
  • False: Bumblebees do fly and need to in order to collect nectar to make honey.  They can beat their wings 230 times a second which is extremely fast compared to most flying insects.

  • Myth: Female Praying mantis eats their mate’s heads off after each time they mate.
  • Partially True: They occasionally eat their mates head and bodies but not each time. Research is still being conducted to determine the cause for the females to eat her mate.

  • Myth: Florida Love Bugs are the result of an experiment gone badly.
  • False: They are not man-made insects and are not from an experiment gone badly. They have crossed states lines in 1949 entering Florida and since have been a serious pest to motorists.

  • Myth: Termites build mounds reaching 40 feet in height.
  • True: Termites do build their mounds typically averaging 20-30 feet in height.

  • Myth: Earwigs crawl into ear of humans and will lay eggs which will hatch and feed off the brain of the person.
  • False: Earwigs do not harm humans. They are not going to purposely enter a person’s ear canal in hopes to lay eggs or eat brains. Like any insect, they are capable of fitting inside your ear if they are already in the area of it. Otherwise, they are not going to crawl into your ear for any purpose other than a mistake. 
If you are ever finding yourself in fear of insects, be sure to call upon Reynolds Pest Management, Inc to eliminate the chance of the pests and other insects entering your surroundings. 

For free estimates on controlling pests in your home or yards call 772-334-7007.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Stinging Insects in Port Saint Lucie, Florida

Many types of insects are capable of stinging or biting humans and animals causing pain or illnesses. Nearly half a million people are emitted to the emergency rooms for insect bites each year. Florida is a popular state for these types of stinging insects.

Stinging insects can be dangerous. Stings and bites usually are painful and leave behind signs of being stung on the person’s skin. Some insects are vectors to serious viruses or diseases which make them dangerous and hazardous. Avoiding stinging insects is highly recommended but is difficult depending on the types of bug.

Individuals may have an allergic reaction to stings or bites from pests. Like mentioned each year the ER is visited by 500,000 people due to a reaction they had from an insect sting or bite. Animals suffer from stings as well and may not receive the medical attention as humans do and can very easily die from bites.

What makes an insect sting or bite painful and dangerous to our health and to animals is the venom released into the blood stream of the person or animal being bite. The venom is what leads to allergic reactions. Not all insects however release venom but will only feed off the blood causing pain. However, the dangers of the venom are replaced by a high chance of becoming infected with a disease or virus.

Florida most common insects that sting or bite are:

·         Fire Ants or Red Imported Ants
·         Beesor Wasps
·         Ticks
·         Fleas
·         Mites
·         Chiggers

Avoiding these pests can be difficult if there is an infestation nearby your home or even inside. Having a routine pest control service is beneficial to the homeowners and will decrease your chance of encountering any of these listed pests in Florida.

Contacting Reynolds Pest Management, Inc can aid you in your decision in selecting the proper pest management service for your surroundings.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Pantry Pests Thrive in Floirda

One of the most disturbing types of infestations of pests are those associated with our foods. Pantry pests are food pests that are usually from an outside source unlike ants or cockroaches.

Most cases of pantry pests are from the homeowner purchasing food items already infested with a pantry pest such as Drug store beetles, Flour Beetles, or Cigarette Beetles. Once brought into your homes, these pantry pests can spread to other exposed foods.

Foods that are favorable to any pantry pest are flour, rice, cake mixes, and dry noodles. Discarding any infested foods is imperative in order to eradicate the pests. Inspecting other nearby foods whether they are exposed or not is beneficial to the homeowner ensuring the pest is completely gone from the home.

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc recommends the homeowner to immediately begin to eliminate the pests from your cabinets or pantries because not just food items can become infested. Pantry pests have been found within furniture stuffing, or dried flowers.

Take control of your Pantry Pest Infestation Today by calling Reynolds Pest Management, Inc at 772-334-7007 or 561-746-7969.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Understanding the Asian Tiger Mosquitoes found in Florida

The Asian Tiger Mosquito is a unique species of mosquitoes by their habits of feeding during the day. With their presence in the day and night makes this mosquito especially hazardous to humans. Asian Tiger Mosquitoes are vectors to deadly viruses like the West Nile Virus. Floridians have a higher chance of becoming infected with dangerous viruses by the Asian Tiger Mosquitoes than any other mosquito species in Florida. 

Identifying an Asian Tiger Mosquito is simple. They have distinctive zebra-like stripes on their bodies. Besides from their stripes, like mentioned they are the only type of mosquito you will see in during morning and afternoons. 

Twenty six states in the U.S. have the Asian Tiger Mosquito and all of the 67 counties on Florida have encountered this pest. In 1987, Asian Tiger Mosquito were first introduced to the United States in Texas. Shortly after it, made its way to Florida and the other 24 states. 

Asian Tiger Mosquito females deposit their eggs within water filled items like flower pots or old tires. They are considered flood water mosquitoes which mean the females will also deposit her eggs on the banks of rivers or streams. When the water rises and reaches the eggs, they will begin to hatch. 

Like other mosquitoes, preventing the Asian Tiger Mosquito is similar. Removing any free standing water or items that easily fill with water and keeping foliage low in your yard assists in lowering their populations in your yards. 

If you’re encountering a large number of the Asian Tiger Mosquitoes, you have the option of having a special treatment performed to exterminate the pest. Reynolds Pest Management, Inc has a team of experts who can manage any mosquito infestations you may be dealing with.

Call today for a free and immediate estimate to take back control of your yard from  Asian Tiger Mosquitoes, 772-334-7007. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Kudzu Bugs Eating Away At Florida Legume

Kudzu Bugs were introduced to Florida in 2009. This pest causes serious and costly damage to Legume crops. Discover how to identify and eliminate this pest here:

Kudzu Bug Control Services by Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.

Call Reynolds Pest Management, Inc Today for a free estimate on Kudzu Bug treatments,772-334-7007 or 561-746-7969.

Friday, July 6, 2012

House Fly Disease Awareness in Floirda

Many human illness and diseases are endured from coming into contact with a House Fly or by consuming foods contaminated with the pathogens from the fly. This is a serious house pest and you can learn more about this hazardous pest through this link:

Keeping Disease-borne House Flies from your Florida Home

Take control of your House Fly Infestation Today by calling Reynolds Pest Management, Inc at 772-334-7007 or 561-746-7969.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Head Lice Identification & Management - Florida Pest Control

Nearly 11 million individuals in the United States are infested with Head Lice each year! Find out how to identify the signs of head lice and what to do to prevent an infestation through this link here:

Head Lice Facts and Prevention for Florida 

Contact Reynolds Pest Management, Inc for a Free estimate on controlling your pests Today, 772-334-7007 or 561-746-7969!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bird Mites Mistaken for Fleas in Port Saint Lucie, Floirda

Residents of Florida are not familiar with bird mites and confuse their outbreaks for fleas. Learn here how to identify the signs of Bird Mite infestations inside your Florida home:

Northern Fowl Mite of Florida - Identify and Control Methods

If you are encountering Bird Mites in your Port Saint Lucie home, contact Reynolds Pest Management, Inc to eradicate your unwanted guests. Call Today at 772-334-7007 or 561-746-7969.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Controlling Carpenter Bees in Port Saint Lucie, Florida

Carpenter Bees are known for their burrowing habits into wooden structures including Florida homes. Residents commonly mistake carpenter bees for bumble bees because of their large size.

Click here to determine if your encountering Carpenter Bees near your home:

Carpenter Bee Identification and Control Methods

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc has effectively controlled Carpenter Bees in Florida since 1991, Call Today for a Free Estimate 772-334-7007 or 561-746-7969

Monday, June 18, 2012

Carpet Beetles the Source of damaged Material and Clothing

Carpet Beetles are common indoor pests in Florida homes responsible for the damage of fabric on furniture and clothing. Find out what types of material are appetizing to Carpet Beetles and how to stop them here:

Carpet Beetle Control and Prevention in Florida

For more details entailing Carpet Beetles, contact Reynolds Pest Management, Inc at  772-334-7007 or 561-746-7969 .

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Scabies Mites Leading to Serious Skin Conditions

Scabies mites are tiny pest that burrow into a person's skin resulting in a severe skin condition called Scabies.

To find out more details on Scabies Mites and the health concerns associated with them click here:

Scabies Mites Prevention and Control in Florida

Call Reynolds Pest Management, Inc today for a free estimate to control Scabies Mites, 772-334-7007 or 561-746-7969.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

South Florida Lawns are Susceptible to Chinch Bugs Year Long

Turf grass can be destroyed by a infestation of Chinch Bugs if not controlled immediately. Their breeding habits are rapid; a female averages about 5 eggs a day!

To prevent or eliminate Chinch Bugs in your South Florida Lawn click here:

Southern Chinch Bug Prevention

Call Reynolds Pest Management, Inc at 772-3347007 for a Fast and Free estimate to control your pests.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Keeping Mosquitoes From Your Florida Backyard Now

Mosquitoes are responsible for the transmission of serious and sometimes deadly diseases such as West Nile virus, dengue fever, and encephalitis to humans and our pets.

To find out more details on Controlling Florida's Mosquitoes visit here:

Florida Mosquito Control by Reynolds Pest Management, Inc

Call Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. today for a free Mosquito Control Estimate, 772-334-7007 or 561-746-7969.

Friday, June 1, 2012

White Footed Ants Infesting Florida

Florida is a common state for White Footed Ant outbreaks. Among all the pests we encounter White Footed Ants are considered one of the most difficult to eradicate.

Learn more about Florida's White Footed Ant and control methods here:

White Footed Ants

Contact Reynolds Pest Management, Inc for free White Footed Ant estimate, 772-334-7007.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Florida Residents Battling with Lovebugs

Lovebugs-Not So Loved in Florida

Lovebugs cause a serious distraction while driving through the swarms of flying lovebugs. Find out what you can do to limit lovebug damage, their identification, and swarming seasons here:

Call Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. for a free quote today, 772-334-7007, or 561-746-7969.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Moles In Florida Backyards

Florida Moles Invading Florida Lawns

Moles are serious pests to Florida homeowners and landscapers. They can up root your grass at a speed of one foot per minute. You must act fast when moles are present!

To obtain more information on control methods for moles in Florida click here:

Mole Control Performed by Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Prevent Scorpions in your Florida Yard

Scorpions in Florida- Learn to Deter them From Near your Home

Scorpions can become a nuisance pest in Florida. Reynolds Pest Management, Inc provides the community with tips on deterring them from your home's perimeter. Find out more here:

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc is offers Free Scorpion Control Estimates, 772-334-7007.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Types of Turf Grass Weeds in Florida

Florida Turf Grass Weed Control And Prevention

Turf Grass in Florida is very susceptible to growing weeds early in the year. You can read more information on identifying and prevent the weeds in your lawn here:

Florida Turf Grass Weed Control

Call for a Free Weed Control Estimate Today from Reynolds Pest Management, Inc at 772-334-7007.

IPM Bringing Positive Results to Customers

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Florida

Pest Prevention does not typically require use of chemical products. At Reynolds Pest Management, Inc we provide a 100% ecological pest prevention service. To understand more about IPM click here:

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc - Integrated Pest management Services

Call Reynolds Pest Management, Inc to schedule an IPM visit Today at 7723347007.

Monday, May 14, 2012

FPMA- Region 13 Meeting Highlights From May 2012

May Highlights from Region 13 Pest Management Association Meeting

Chris Reynolds of Reynolds Pest Management, Inc is the director for the LUCKY Region 13 of Florida Pest Management Association. The meeting hosted in May targeted the Whiteflies- Lawn & Ornamental CEU's. The highlights of the meeting are available to you through this link:

FPMA- Region 13 May's Meeting Highlights 

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc offers the community free pest control and lawn care estimates at 772-334-7007.

Cockroach Allergen Identified as Hazardous to Individuals with Allergies and Asthma

Cockroaches are triggers for asthma attacks and allergies in humans especially young children. Learn about the hazardous allergens cockroaches have and how to prevent them by clicking here:

Cockroach Allergen Informational Guide

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Indian River Shores to Adopt Fertilizer Ordinance

Fertilizer Ordinance Hearing

The Town of Indian River Shores, in Indian River County, near Vero Beach Florida is holding a hearing about the fertilizer ordinance on Thursday, April 26th,  at 3:30pm. . The State Model Ordinance will be considered for adoption, and perhaps additional restrictions will be added.

For more information about the  Indian River Shores Council and to get updates on fertilizer ordinance provisions, if any, please go to the following link:, or email them at:

If you want a lawn/shrub care evaluation, or a free pest control services evaluation, Contact Us, or call 772-778-5507, or 772-334-7007.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Benefits of Pest Control

 Read about Pest Control's Important Benefits. Pest control not only saves billions of dollars in food losses, but the same benefit is provided to property damage, public health, and safety.

If you want more information or a free pest control services evaluation, Contact Us, or call 772-334-7007, or 561-746-7969.

photo of

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.

1572 Southeast South Niemeyer Circle
Port St Lucie, FL, 34952

Monday, April 2, 2012

April Proclaimed Pest Management Month

Florida Governor Rick Scott Proclaims April as Pest Management Month 

Pest Management Month April 2012.jpg
Governor Rick Scott has proclaimed April as Pest Management Month in Florida at the request of the Florida Pest Management Association. The proclamation with the Governor's seal hangs in the  Florida Pest Management Association office with the four previous and consecutive gubernatorial proclamations of April as Pest Management Month.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Fewer Florida Fire Ants

Fewer Fire Ant Problems 

Scientist have determined that there are fewer fire ants in Florida this year. According to a recent Miami Herald article there are less fire ant calls to pest control companies throughout the State.

fire ant,ants

Fire ants cause about $600 million dollars in damage every year. Fire ants are known to kill animals with their painful sting, and cause damage to equipment.

If you have a fire ant problem at your home, call Reynolds Pest Management at 772-334-7007, or 561-746-7969.

Thank you,

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Outdoor Pest Control | Fertilization

Spring is here and now is the time to consider outdoor pest control and fertilization to your lawn, trees, and shrubs. St. Augustine grass and many of our Florida trees, and shrubs require fertilizer and occasional pest control to stay healthy and beautiful.

fertilizer, fertilization

There are new restrictions on when and how much you can fertilize your lawn and shrubs. You need to know your local area ordinances. You can find a copy of the State Model Ordinance here:

As of this writing, Indian River, St. Lucie, Palm Beach County, and the City of Stuart, Florida have adopted the State's model. Martin County, and Sewall's Point have adopted their own ordinances that have additional restrictions. Contact your local extension service office for updates and local ordinances. The current ordinances allow you to fertilize at this time of the year, however if you live in certain municipalities you may not be able to fertilize after June 1.

Many of Florida's turf grasses, palms, and shrubs require fertilizer. Some do not. It is important for you to know if your plants and lawn need fertilizer to give them the proper nutrients they need to thrive.

Fertilizing your landscape will ensure their continued health and vitality and give you years of enjoyment.

If you want more information or a free lawn-shrub care evaluation, Contact Us, or call 772-334-7007, or 561-746-7969.

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Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.

1572 Southeast South Niemeyer Circle
Port St Lucie, FL, 34952

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Carpenter Ant Pest Control

Ever see very large ants crawling around your home? Some people call these ants, "bull ants", what they really are called is carpenter ants. Carpenter ants are primarily seen at night, and occasionally during the day in shady areas. This nocturnal behaviour can probably be attributed to avoiding daytime predators.

In, Florida, we have the Florida carpenter ant and it is different from the black carpenter ant, found in the Northern parts of the US. One of the main differences is the colouration. Florida carpenter ants have a reddish-brown head and thorax (middle), and dark brown to black abdomen, whereas black carpenter ants are (hmmm...) black.

Carpenter ants are not aggressive but they do have a painful  bite if they are over-handled ,or if you attack their nest. Florida carpenter ants are not known to damage wood. They do like to live around wood and especially in moist dark areas. The big problem with carpenter ants is that they are difficult to find. I have found carpenter ants living in just about every kind area you can imagine, especially in places where it's dark and warm such as, water heaters, toasters, large appliances, coffee machines, and even gaming systems. These ants live in walls, attics, and outside. Here's a video of me trying to find a nest in an attic: 

Bottom line is that if you are looking for carpenter ants do not leave any stone un-turned. If you want more information or a free inspection Contact Us, or call 772-334-7007.

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Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.

1572 Southeast South Niemeyer Circle
Port St Lucie, FL, 34952

Friday, March 16, 2012

Ghost Ant Control Tips

Seeing very small ants in your home? If you are seeing them around your kitchen sinks and particularly around sweet products then you may have ghost ants. Another characteristic of ghost ants is there translucent appearance.

Ghost ants have a variety of names such as sugar ants, sweet ants, spiders ants, and other names that are not so nice.

There are many products available at the hardware store including insecticide sprays and bait. Always use products according to the label directions.

The important thing to know about ghost ants is that they like fructose-based products (sweets). One of the sweet products that you can purchase at the hardware store is Terro bait. Ant bait stations do not work very well on ghost ants because they have a protein-based bait inside. Sprays tend to disburse the ants and can actually make the problem worse if not used properly. So it is best to start with a sweet bait.

Do a little investigating and try to find where the ants are coming from by following the trail to where it leads from inside a wall void or perhaps near a door or window. Place the bait near the ant trail but never on top of the trail. Be sure to follow label directions to not expose people or pets to the product. When the ants begin to feed on the bait don't be tempted to kill them. Allow the ants to feed on the bait so that they can take it to the other ants in the colony and spread it throughout the nest. You may need to repeat this procedure several times but if you are persistent you should have success.

If you decide that this is too much for you to do, or you just don't want to do it, call Reynolds, we have a variety of tools that we can utilize that you're home to achieve results very quickly Contact Us.

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Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.

1572 Southeast South Niemeyer Circle
Port St Lucie, FL, 34952

* Any advice given here does not pre-empt label instructions-Always follow label directions when using any pest control product.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hiring a Pest Control Company

Angie's List Gives Consumer Tips

Now, more than ever, it is important to know that your hard earned money is well spent. With ever rising fuel costs, and in many case a lowering of income, it is no wonder that most people are carefully researching products and services before they buy.

Pest control services vary widely from Company to Company and it is important to do research about the services, pricing, and agreements that are offered before engaging their service. It is important to know the reputation of the Company as well. Many resources are available to consumers online to get an idea of how long the Company has been in business and possibly positive, or negative feedback as well.

Licensing requirements vary from State to State, but most States do require that you have a pest control license. Insurance is important for any pest control company. Check to be sure the amount of insurance the pest control company has, and the insurance provider to ensure that the insurance will be adequate to protect you and your interests.

Ask the Company about their training, if they do background checks, if they are bonded, and  if they are using Integrated Pest Management techniques at their Company.

These questions should help you in selecting a pest control company at your home or business. You may also check the Angie's List link below for more 3rd party tips:

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Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.

1572 Southeast South Niemeyer Circle
Port St Lucie, FL, 34952

Monday, March 5, 2012

Prevent Cockroaches from Invading Your Home

We can all agree that cockroaches are one of the most appalling sights, especially when they are in our home. Any bug indoors will scare someone, but cockroaches are far worse than other household pests. Many health risks come along with a roach infestation.

Cockroaches carry many pathogens that lead to illness and disease in humans. Here are some serious pathogens roaches are contaminated with:
  • ·         Bacillus cereu
  • ·         E. coli
  • ·         Coliform
  • ·         Salmonell
  • ·         Klebsiella
  • ·         Pseudomona

What are cockroaches attracted to in my house?

It is evident that cleanliness of a household is the key in preventing roaches from infesting a home. Roaches are attracted to food and water. Making these sources unobtainable to a roach will prevent you from having them in your house.

Anything edible found in your kitchen is food to a roach. Keep your counter tops cleaned off of any crumbs and tightly seal any food in bags or containers that are not refrigerated. If you recently exterminated an infestation of the cockroaches, be sure to clean with disinfectants! Sweep after meals to be certain no food is left behind. Monitor the stove tops for any buildup underneath or dirty stove-range pans.

Damp areas are ideal to a roach and there are plenty of areas in a home with moisture. If you are finding roaches indoors and are sure they are not present from food or filth, check for leaks under sinks or behind walls. It is common to have a roach infestation from water or moisture rather that other substrates they like.
Never allow roaches to go un-treated for indoors. They breed fast and can over run a kitchen in a short period of time. The diseases they cause in humans are real and dangerous; the health risks involved in cockroach infestations should be taken seriously.

If you are encountering pests in your home, call the local pros, Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. They have over 20 years of expertise in controlling cockroaches and other filthy pests in Florida. Call today for your free home inspection to help determine your pest situation. 

Click Here or Call 772-334-7007 for a Pest Control Evaluation Today!
Reynolds Pest has been a local choice for over 20 years. Their team of certified and highly knowledgeable technicians is capable of eradicating your pest control problems. Call Today to receive a free estimate.
Port Saint Lucie, Jensen Beach: (772) 334-7007, (772) 337-2131
Stuart, Palm City: (772) 283-8986
Jupiter/Tequesta/Palm Beach: (561) 746-7969
Fort Pierce: (772) 464-4707
Indian River: (772) 778-5507
1572 Southeast South Niemeyer Circle, Port St. Lucie, FL, 34952

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blood Sucking Flies

Flies That Bite and Suck Your Blood

Have you been to the beach recently and been bitten by a large black fly? These are called stable flies and can deliver you a painful bite nearly anywhere your skin is exposed. They may be referred to as dog flies or biting flies to Florida residents. Pest control for flies requires many unique treatments.
Stable flies have been a serious problem in Florida, especially to tourist industry. Beaches are typical locations to encounter stable flies; they breed in the seaweed along the shoreline. You can determine a stable fly easily from other flies by their piercing mouthparts that project at the face of the fly. They resemble the size and appearance of a house except for the bayonet shaped mouthparts.
You may very well encounter a stable fly many miles away from a beach. They do not only infest the shorelines. They are attracted to live stock manure, and decaying vegetative matter near crops.
The only good thing we can state about a stable fly is that they have not been revealed to spread human diseases. Unfortunately, they are vectors to many diseases in animals. Both sexes of the stable fly which is unusual in a fly world.
Stable flies can cause much nuisance to individuals present in their way of searching for a blood meal. These flies are very persistent in finding their next meal, your blood! They will attempt many times till they finally pierce your skin with their mouthparts. You may notice one fly will continuously follow you and land on you in attempt to feed.
The stable fly infestation in a centralized location can become a severe size in a short period. A female stable fly lays between 500 to 600 eggs per each laying. They can hatch within 2-5 days and mature in 14-26 days!

Stable Fly
Reynolds Pest has been a local choice for over 20 years. Their team of certified and highly knowledgeable technicians is capable of eradicating your pest control problems. Call Today to receive a free estimate.
Port Saint Lucie, Jensen Beach: (772) 334-7007, (772) 337-2131
Stuart, Palm City: (772) 283-8986
Jupiter/Tequesta/Palm Beach: (561) 746-7969
Fort Pierce: (772) 464-4707
Indian River: (772) 778-5507
1572 SE South Niemeyer Circle, Port St. Lucie, FL, 34952