Thursday, July 19, 2012

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc Reveals Common Insect Myths

Many insect myths exist around the world causing people to debate whether they are fictional or true. Below Reynolds Pest Management, Inc reveals the truth about these myths:

  • Myth: Chiggers burrow underneath skin of humans and feed off our blood.
  • False: Chigger larvae produce an enzyme that eats through our skin cells creating a tube like tunnel or straw for sucking fluids up. While the chiggers are sucking up the fluids they continue to release an enzyme to create a deeper tunnel.

  • Myth: Daddy Long Leg Spiders are venomous but their fangs are too tiny to bite a human.
  • False: They are not poisonous and in fact lack venom glands.

  • Myth: Cheese is the best choice for rodent control.
  • False: Rodents favor seeds, fruits, peanut butter, and even bacon over cheese.

  • Myth: Bumblebees cannot fly.
  • False: Bumblebees do fly and need to in order to collect nectar to make honey.  They can beat their wings 230 times a second which is extremely fast compared to most flying insects.

  • Myth: Female Praying mantis eats their mate’s heads off after each time they mate.
  • Partially True: They occasionally eat their mates head and bodies but not each time. Research is still being conducted to determine the cause for the females to eat her mate.

  • Myth: Florida Love Bugs are the result of an experiment gone badly.
  • False: They are not man-made insects and are not from an experiment gone badly. They have crossed states lines in 1949 entering Florida and since have been a serious pest to motorists.

  • Myth: Termites build mounds reaching 40 feet in height.
  • True: Termites do build their mounds typically averaging 20-30 feet in height.

  • Myth: Earwigs crawl into ear of humans and will lay eggs which will hatch and feed off the brain of the person.
  • False: Earwigs do not harm humans. They are not going to purposely enter a person’s ear canal in hopes to lay eggs or eat brains. Like any insect, they are capable of fitting inside your ear if they are already in the area of it. Otherwise, they are not going to crawl into your ear for any purpose other than a mistake. 
If you are ever finding yourself in fear of insects, be sure to call upon Reynolds Pest Management, Inc to eliminate the chance of the pests and other insects entering your surroundings. 

For free estimates on controlling pests in your home or yards call 772-334-7007.

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