Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Noticing more pests inside your home after a rain shower?

There is a relationship between rain and insects that enter your home during a period of rain showers. Understanding the anatomy of insects will give you an idea of the correlation. A lot has to do with the fact that insect do not have lungs!
This may be news to you but lungs are not found within an insect’s body. Small holes along their bodies that form through them are how the insect breathes.
Water is a hazard for insects. During rainfall, they are forced to seek shelter from the water to keep from drowning. Your home plays a safe haven for them. Other pests can be driven to your home just to keep out of the rain.
Florida experiences serious amounts of rainfall year long thus making pest infestations very common. If you are encountering pests inside your home or office during or after rain showers, contact ReynoldsPest Management, Inc. for protection against pest invasions at 772-334-7007.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Termite Inspections are an Important Maintenance Procedure for all Florida Homeowners

Very few insurance companies offer coverage for termite infestations or damage caused by termites in your home. These companies are becoming even stricter on other pest or rodent damages. Having an annual termite inspection is considered maintenance to your home. Insurance companies claim termite infestations are in fact a maintenance issue. According to them, if you would have properly eradicated the termites you would not have damage to your home.

Routine termite inspections are highly recommended by Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. especially to those living in Florida. Typically, homeowners will have the service performed once a year. Termite activity is much higher in Florida compared to other states. A termite inspection is the visual inspection of your home for signs of termite activity. Identifying the termites activity before the infestation causes costly damage will save the homeowners thousands of dollars not just on damage control but the treatment for advanced termite infestations. Leaving the termites untreated for long periods of time allows them to reproduce quickly increasing their populations inside your home leading to more damage and a more difficult task in eliminating them.

Not all pest control companies are equal. Some companies do not always hire the most qualified termite exterminators or inspectors. It is important to Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. to have experts on board and hire only the most qualified individuals to perform termite inspections.  

Prevent damage to your most valued asset by calling Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. to perform an extensive and affordable termite inspection today. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Top Pests Encountered by a Homeowner

Last year 84% of Americans had encountered some type of insect inside their home according to a national survey performed in the United States. This could mean an increase in demand for pest control services as the populations of pests are higher than usual. Per the survey performed, more than half of homeowners believe that pest control is essential when performed by a pest professional.

The following are the results and percentages from a survey conducted by a residential pest control company and 1,300 homeowner participants. The results listed below are the top pests encountered in a home and their percentages represent the number of participants.

·          Ants 49%
·          Spiders 43%
·          Flies 37%
·          Mosquitoes 34%
·          Mice 30%
·          Wasps 29%

Out of all the homeowners that participated in the survey, only 80% seemed to be concerned about pests entering their homes. The biggest concern for all the homeowners, according to the survey, were termites due to their costly damaging habits. Amazingly, 95% of the participants did agree that if a homeowner is looking for an effective and guaranteed service that they should hire a certified pest control company.

It is evident that the warmer temperatures this past winter triggered an increase in populations of all pests this summer. With more pests around, the higher the chance of a pest infestation near by your home or inside it. The best way to prevent any of these top pests from entering your home is to have a routine pest service to monitor any pest activity and to apply products to deter them from heading in your home’s direction. 

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc is a certified pest control company that holds over 21 years of expertise in controlling the most common pests encountered in Florida. Call today to schedule your effective and guaranteed pest control treatment today, 772-334-7007.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc Reveals Common Insect Myths

Many insect myths exist around the world causing people to debate whether they are fictional or true. Below Reynolds Pest Management, Inc reveals the truth about these myths:

  • Myth: Chiggers burrow underneath skin of humans and feed off our blood.
  • False: Chigger larvae produce an enzyme that eats through our skin cells creating a tube like tunnel or straw for sucking fluids up. While the chiggers are sucking up the fluids they continue to release an enzyme to create a deeper tunnel.

  • Myth: Daddy Long Leg Spiders are venomous but their fangs are too tiny to bite a human.
  • False: They are not poisonous and in fact lack venom glands.

  • Myth: Cheese is the best choice for rodent control.
  • False: Rodents favor seeds, fruits, peanut butter, and even bacon over cheese.

  • Myth: Bumblebees cannot fly.
  • False: Bumblebees do fly and need to in order to collect nectar to make honey.  They can beat their wings 230 times a second which is extremely fast compared to most flying insects.

  • Myth: Female Praying mantis eats their mate’s heads off after each time they mate.
  • Partially True: They occasionally eat their mates head and bodies but not each time. Research is still being conducted to determine the cause for the females to eat her mate.

  • Myth: Florida Love Bugs are the result of an experiment gone badly.
  • False: They are not man-made insects and are not from an experiment gone badly. They have crossed states lines in 1949 entering Florida and since have been a serious pest to motorists.

  • Myth: Termites build mounds reaching 40 feet in height.
  • True: Termites do build their mounds typically averaging 20-30 feet in height.

  • Myth: Earwigs crawl into ear of humans and will lay eggs which will hatch and feed off the brain of the person.
  • False: Earwigs do not harm humans. They are not going to purposely enter a person’s ear canal in hopes to lay eggs or eat brains. Like any insect, they are capable of fitting inside your ear if they are already in the area of it. Otherwise, they are not going to crawl into your ear for any purpose other than a mistake. 
If you are ever finding yourself in fear of insects, be sure to call upon Reynolds Pest Management, Inc to eliminate the chance of the pests and other insects entering your surroundings. 

For free estimates on controlling pests in your home or yards call 772-334-7007.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Stinging Insects in Port Saint Lucie, Florida

Many types of insects are capable of stinging or biting humans and animals causing pain or illnesses. Nearly half a million people are emitted to the emergency rooms for insect bites each year. Florida is a popular state for these types of stinging insects.

Stinging insects can be dangerous. Stings and bites usually are painful and leave behind signs of being stung on the person’s skin. Some insects are vectors to serious viruses or diseases which make them dangerous and hazardous. Avoiding stinging insects is highly recommended but is difficult depending on the types of bug.

Individuals may have an allergic reaction to stings or bites from pests. Like mentioned each year the ER is visited by 500,000 people due to a reaction they had from an insect sting or bite. Animals suffer from stings as well and may not receive the medical attention as humans do and can very easily die from bites.

What makes an insect sting or bite painful and dangerous to our health and to animals is the venom released into the blood stream of the person or animal being bite. The venom is what leads to allergic reactions. Not all insects however release venom but will only feed off the blood causing pain. However, the dangers of the venom are replaced by a high chance of becoming infected with a disease or virus.

Florida most common insects that sting or bite are:

·         Fire Ants or Red Imported Ants
·         Beesor Wasps
·         Ticks
·         Fleas
·         Mites
·         Chiggers

Avoiding these pests can be difficult if there is an infestation nearby your home or even inside. Having a routine pest control service is beneficial to the homeowners and will decrease your chance of encountering any of these listed pests in Florida.

Contacting Reynolds Pest Management, Inc can aid you in your decision in selecting the proper pest management service for your surroundings.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Pantry Pests Thrive in Floirda

One of the most disturbing types of infestations of pests are those associated with our foods. Pantry pests are food pests that are usually from an outside source unlike ants or cockroaches.

Most cases of pantry pests are from the homeowner purchasing food items already infested with a pantry pest such as Drug store beetles, Flour Beetles, or Cigarette Beetles. Once brought into your homes, these pantry pests can spread to other exposed foods.

Foods that are favorable to any pantry pest are flour, rice, cake mixes, and dry noodles. Discarding any infested foods is imperative in order to eradicate the pests. Inspecting other nearby foods whether they are exposed or not is beneficial to the homeowner ensuring the pest is completely gone from the home.

Reynolds Pest Management, Inc recommends the homeowner to immediately begin to eliminate the pests from your cabinets or pantries because not just food items can become infested. Pantry pests have been found within furniture stuffing, or dried flowers.

Take control of your Pantry Pest Infestation Today by calling Reynolds Pest Management, Inc at 772-334-7007 or 561-746-7969.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Understanding the Asian Tiger Mosquitoes found in Florida

The Asian Tiger Mosquito is a unique species of mosquitoes by their habits of feeding during the day. With their presence in the day and night makes this mosquito especially hazardous to humans. Asian Tiger Mosquitoes are vectors to deadly viruses like the West Nile Virus. Floridians have a higher chance of becoming infected with dangerous viruses by the Asian Tiger Mosquitoes than any other mosquito species in Florida. 

Identifying an Asian Tiger Mosquito is simple. They have distinctive zebra-like stripes on their bodies. Besides from their stripes, like mentioned they are the only type of mosquito you will see in during morning and afternoons. 

Twenty six states in the U.S. have the Asian Tiger Mosquito and all of the 67 counties on Florida have encountered this pest. In 1987, Asian Tiger Mosquito were first introduced to the United States in Texas. Shortly after it, made its way to Florida and the other 24 states. 

Asian Tiger Mosquito females deposit their eggs within water filled items like flower pots or old tires. They are considered flood water mosquitoes which mean the females will also deposit her eggs on the banks of rivers or streams. When the water rises and reaches the eggs, they will begin to hatch. 

Like other mosquitoes, preventing the Asian Tiger Mosquito is similar. Removing any free standing water or items that easily fill with water and keeping foliage low in your yard assists in lowering their populations in your yards. 

If you’re encountering a large number of the Asian Tiger Mosquitoes, you have the option of having a special treatment performed to exterminate the pest. Reynolds Pest Management, Inc has a team of experts who can manage any mosquito infestations you may be dealing with.

Call today for a free and immediate estimate to take back control of your yard from  Asian Tiger Mosquitoes, 772-334-7007. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Kudzu Bugs Eating Away At Florida Legume

Kudzu Bugs were introduced to Florida in 2009. This pest causes serious and costly damage to Legume crops. Discover how to identify and eliminate this pest here:

Kudzu Bug Control Services by Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.

Call Reynolds Pest Management, Inc Today for a free estimate on Kudzu Bug treatments,772-334-7007 or 561-746-7969.

Friday, July 6, 2012

House Fly Disease Awareness in Floirda

Many human illness and diseases are endured from coming into contact with a House Fly or by consuming foods contaminated with the pathogens from the fly. This is a serious house pest and you can learn more about this hazardous pest through this link:

Keeping Disease-borne House Flies from your Florida Home

Take control of your House Fly Infestation Today by calling Reynolds Pest Management, Inc at 772-334-7007 or 561-746-7969.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Head Lice Identification & Management - Florida Pest Control

Nearly 11 million individuals in the United States are infested with Head Lice each year! Find out how to identify the signs of head lice and what to do to prevent an infestation through this link here:

Head Lice Facts and Prevention for Florida 

Contact Reynolds Pest Management, Inc for a Free estimate on controlling your pests Today, 772-334-7007 or 561-746-7969!