Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Evolution of Pest Control Treatments

Cutting Edge Pest Control

As the innovators and developers of safer methods of controlling pests continues. Scientists have now developed nano-bots that unfold and affect cockroaches.
nanobot pest control

Bioengineers have efficiently administered them with nanorobots made from DNA that can unravel to dispense medications, Revelation Report.

The nanoscale robots were made using DNA fibers that fold up and unfold like origami. They could operate like mini-computers, doing simple tasks. One day similar nanorobots can be programmed to look for diseases inside people and treat them at the website, with clinical precision.

The job is being led by Daniel Levner from Wyss Institute at Harvard University and researchers at Bar Ilan College in Israel. He and his colleagues programmed the DNA nanorobots to connect with each other and move inside a living cockroach.

The programs were simple reasonable functions that routed the DNA to unravel and release a particle, for instance, when it ran into a certain healthy protein.

What do you think? Is this good pest control science? Are you worried that this could be a bad thing for mankind?

(772) 334-7007, or (561) 746-7969 today--Contract Free!
top rated pest controlpest control

Brian Reynolds-President   
Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.                    

Monday, April 21, 2014

EPA - CDC Resources for Dust Mite | Bed Bug Prevention Tips

Government Resources for Bed Bug Prevention | Dust Mite Protection

For prevention, always check before purchasing any items that someone else may have owned. While travelling, ensure that the hotel is bed bug free. Once again, mattress and box spring encasements that are designed for bed bugs are very helpful. If you have a bed bug problem, always call a professional. 

If you have bed bugs, heat treatments and steam treatments work very well if conducted by a certified pest control operator.

Here are links from the Center for Disease Control and EPA about bed bugs:

Here are links from the from CDC, and EPA on Dust Mites:

Hope you find this information useful.

(772) 334-7007, or (561) 746-7969 today--Contract Free!
Jensen Beach Florida pest control

Brian Reynolds-President   
Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.                    

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

South Florida Alert! New - Dangerous, Mosquito Virus Coming To America

Mosquito Borne Virus Chikungunya Alert for Florida

We already have dengue fever coming to our area, but now we have an even more dangerous mosquito born virus moving in as well. This new virus, Called Chick V, broken-broken, because of it's debilitating effects has already started in the French Caribbean islands of Martinique, Guadeloupe and St. Barthelemy, and on Monday, the British Virgin Islands reported their first cases. This is all happening during the height of tourism season which will cause the disease to spread more rapidly
mosquito, mosquito misting system, chikungunya virus
due to infected tourists bringing the disease home with them. 

This virus originally was found in Tanzania in the 1950's and was pretty much isolated to South Africa. The name, chikungunya means "that which bends up" in the Mozambique language because the body reacts to the affects of the virus and makes one stooped over or hunched up all the time.

Once infected, an individual will go through months and even years of fever and debilitating pain in the hands, feet, toes, knees, wrists, and other joints of their body. There is no cure for the virus and studies suggest that it, or it's side effects may remain with  individuals indefinitely. About 1 in 1000 die from the virus and are the very young, or a compromised immune system.

Contact Reynolds Pest Management For Mosquito Misting Systems 772-334-7007, or 561-746-7969.

The mosquito borne virus was isolated until 2005 when it started to suddenly become widespread throughout Asia, the Middle East, and India where more than 2 million people have been affected there alone so far. It was subsequently found in Europe and has now made it's way to the Americas.

Due to lack of knowledge of the danger of this virus on these islands it is most likely that this virus which is similar, but much worse than dengue fever, will thrive in the Caribbean. The United States and  other parts of the Western hemisphere are vulnerable to the spread of this virus and this author believes it won't be long before we are seeing this problem in Florida, and then the rest of the States since different types of mosquitoes can carry this virus.

Mosquito Bite Prevention Tips From Center For Disease Control (CDC) 

  • There is no vaccine or medication to prevent chikungunya, or dengue fever virus infection or disease 
  • Reduce mosquito exposure 
  • Use air conditioning or window/door screens 
  • Use mosquito repellents on exposed skin 
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants 
  • Wear permethrin-treated clothing 
  • Empty standing water from outdoor containers 
  • Support local vector control programs 
  • People at increased risk for severe disease should consider not traveling to areas with ongoing chikungunya outbreaks 
  • If you are sick with chikungunya, avoiding mosquito bites will help prevent further spread of the virus 
Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.has been treating pests including mosquitoes for more than 20 years. We have integrated pest management systems in place to help prevent and control the spread of mosquitoes. We will identify mosquito entry points, breeding areas, remove, or treat other breeding sites, and install mosquito misting systems to help control mosquitoes around your home or business. 

This article should make consumers aware, and will allow let them know what to expect this pest control season.

If your in need of a Mosquito Mist quote  please please call us for a free evaluation. Protect yourself from mosquito borne illness now.

(772) 334-7007, or (561) 746-7969 today--Contract Free!
Jensen Beach Florida pest control

Brian Reynolds-President   
Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.