Pest Control for Upcoming Onslaught of Insects
The segment will give attention to springtime bugs and several of the risks connected with them. The segment will be showcasing a myriad of live insects and related props.A very big thanks to various companies and people which replied to requests for needed show-and-tell products and basic aid consisting of many pest control companies, and Liz Pereira/University of Florida, University of Georgia, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Ted Granovsky. NPMA hopes to discuss a clip of the segment in next week's ePestWorld.
The National Pest Management Association wishes to thank all the Guardians and Contributors of NPMA's Professional Pest Management Alliance which made this customer instructional possibility possible for the market.
This segment should give the pest control industry some awareness by the public, and will at least let know consumers what to expect this pest control season.
If your in need of pest control this spring please have us come out and do a free evaluation. You are not required to sign a contract. We believe our service will keep you coming back. We give free quotes that are fair and honest.
(772) 334-7007, or (561) 746-7969 today--Contract Free!
Brian Reynolds-President
Reynolds Pest Management, Inc.